
From 11 years old

Mrace believes that our Intermediate Class is the first step for any young mountain biker to start properly finding their feet as a passionate bike rider. Therefore, once a young rider has out grown the Foundation Class they will then progress to our Intermediate Class.

Change gears, bike handling, riding techniques and so much more

We have seen many times over the years that this “level-up” in each young riders cycling journey presents each rider with a new kind of pure excitement and thrill. This next phase is where we start to place more emphasis on the skills involved with bike riding. This includes how and when to change gears, bike handling, riding techniques and so much more. Intermediate Class riders will discover how similar obstacles that they may have done before will present a new set of challenges as we tackle these obstacles at various new locations at different speeds and testing different techniques. This has proven to enlighten each rider with a higher level of maturity. 

With the above in mind, the Mrace Intermediate Class coach’s core objective is to safely guide riders in learning to trust themselves while they take-on new riding locations. Our coaches will be looking to inspire a level of confidence in these young riders that will successfully carry them through the Intermediate Class and into the Advanced Class. It is important to know that this class is not necessarily focused on fitness; that will come in their next phase of each riders cycling journey with Mrace. While Mrace does not place a huge amount of emphasis on fitness in the Intermediate Class, we do encourage a socially friendly riding environment. The purpose of this is to ensure that the intermediate riders feel as though they are part of something bigger than themselves – a group of riding buddies that enjoy riding their bike just as much as each other. With the previous topic in mind, It is also important to know that we welcome any child from any school.

What do I need 

  • Mountain Bike in working order. 
  • Closed shoes or cleats 
  • Cycling kit and helmet
  • Carbohydrate drink or energy bars 
  • Bottle cage on bike
  • Red rear light
  • Cloves 
  • Multi tool
  • Co2 Inflator or pump
  • Plugs
  • Master link (chain braker)